Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Year!......same weird stories

Sorry about the long interval between posts- it turns out that even for JVs december is really busy. Our house got a christmas tree and celebrated the season of "greshlahem" together one night. We each made gifts for everyone else on a budget of $5 or less TOTAL! It was hard but the gifts were really meaningful. They included pretty poems or quotes written in calligraphy on nice paper, hand-made notebooks, earrings, and "memory jars" which we will fill up through the rest of the year. was magical.

January 2nd I was back to work and it looks like 2012 is shaping up to be similar to 2011 in that there are lots of quirky refugees and little time to speak of them. My most significant accomplishment this week was learning to drive a 12 passenger van! In rush-hour! I had to pick up two big burmese families to take them to get clothes (at a Deseret Industries store which agreed to partner with us to provide needed clothing for families--2 points to the mormons!). There were 11 people I was supposed to pick up so I had to take the van. I was terrified but I made it to their apartment--where only 3 people got into the car. I could have taken the honda! We went to DI and I told them/mimed that they each had $100 dollars for clothing for their families. Mom from one family was right on target and got shoes, jackets, socks, etc. for her kids but Dad and son from the other family struggled a bit more. In the end they bought some good clothes but also a spiderman costume and rollrblades (clothing necessity? I said yes). I think mom was going to be upset when they got home, this is why maybe Dad shouldn't do the shopping.... The clothing voucher system is working great though and I am stoked to take more families next week, even if it does mean using the passenger van.

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