Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Contextualized Potatoes

So I start work tomorrow and all is looking good so far. I still love my house (cast of characters to come later- the library is about to close) and I am excited to go do justice-y things. I tried to make dinner for the house tonight--curried potatoes--and epically failed (we are talking like Botswana Jambalaya failure). I kept explaining to my housemates that it doesn't normally look that way and that they didn't have to eat it. But then Joe sternly told me stop contextualizing the potatoes, and everybody cleaned their plates.

I do not have time to give a complete update (again, closing library) so I am going to leave you with a brief list of "observations" regarding the incomplete fulfillment of several expectations I had for this area.

Three ways in which I was misled about Portland by people back home:

First, it has not rained once. I was told to expect a deluge, a series of monsoons, a veritable biblical flood. Nothing. It has been gorgeous and sunny every day.

Second, I was repeatedly regaled with tales of how wonderful Mt. Hood is and how there is a marvelous view of it from our house (from my bedroom in fact). When I arrived I kept looking and looking but I could not find Mt. Hood. I began to believe that it did not exist. Then a roommate pointed it out from my room (see below--sorry it is sideways, I am struggling) see Mt hood? it is that tiny triangle between the trees. Biggest letdown ever.

Third, I have not seen nearly as many hipsters as I expected. I went downtown today and was on the lookout for hipsters (I had my net ready). I did see four or five gems but it was not in the quantity expected--I can see a greater concentrations of hipsters at the Mount on Sunday night. However, I have heard that they might avoid the sun so I am willing to wait and give them a second chance another day. I did see one guy on the bus next to me in tight pants, a wispy mustache and a band t-shirt with a fixed-gear bike and I almost yelled "OMG you're a hipster aren't you?!" but I didn't think I could handle the disdain in return.

That is all for now. I probably won't be able to post for a few days (the library closes early the second half of the week--WTF?) stay well untill then!!!

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