Saturday, August 6, 2011

Two Days and Counting....

I officially begin my year of service in two days. I decided to keep a blog for this year--like blogswana, though probably not as funny--so that my ubiquitous relatives can keep track of me without having to call my mom. I probably will also not be able to post as often because I won't have internet access in my house (all of that simple living we're supposed to be doing). For those of you who still aren't sure what JVC is, check out their website:
My placement is with Catholic Charities Refugee and Immigration Services. I don't know exactly what I will be doing but it will involve a lot of language barriers (my favorite).

I struggled with a name for this blog (again, not as easy to be funny as it was with Botswana). A close second was "JV C U in a year!" other than that there was also "Not-a-hipster-yet in Portland." Speaking of struggling, I need to go sort through my clothes to decide how much stuff I can stuff into one suitcase and still be living "simply." (my hair curlers were the first casualty. Edwin, my plant, was the second). So alas, I will have to say goodbye. Look for an update after August 13th when indoctrination.....I mean orientation, ends. Pray for me... (seriously though, not just a dry comment like my life is going to end. I think this will rock, but there is no way I will be able to do it on my own)

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